
文 | 季益广



1. What did Bob give you ___ your birthday?你生日鲍勃送了你什么?

2. Researchers were given a $10,000 ___ to continue their work.研究人员得到一万美元的经费以继续他们的研究。

3. I’ve got some old diaries ___ my grandmother gave me years ago.有几本旧日记,是几年前祖母给我的。

4. I didn’t steal it! Maria gave it ___ me!我不是偷的!是玛利亚给我的。

5. Most people are ___ to give to charity.大多数人都愿意向慈善事业捐款。

6. The situation is now desperate, so please give ___.现在情况危急,请大家慷慨解囊。

7. Give me ___ letter, please.请把信给我。

8. He ___ some wine into a glass and gave it to her.他倒了一杯酒给她。

9. He finally gave us ___ to leave.他最后还是允许我们离开。

10. These meetings give everyone a chance to ___ their opinions.这些会议给每个人发表意见的机会。

11. Students are given the ___ to choose their own topics.学生有选择课题的自主权。

12. Language gives us the ability to ___ at a much higher level than any other animals.语言赋予我们远远高于其他动物的交流能力。

13. Women were given the ___ in the early 1900s. 20世纪初妇女获得了选举权。

14. She was given absolute control ___ all recruitment decisions.所有的人事录用决策她都有绝对的控制权。

15. This bill will give more ___ to local authorities.这项议案将给予地方政府更大的权力。

16. She gave me some information on university ___.她向我提供了一些有关大学课程的信息。

17. My secretary will be able to give you more ___.我的秘书会告诉你更详细的情况。

18. Let me give you some ___.我给你一些建议吧。

19. She certainly likes ___ orders.她确实爱发号施令。

20. They were given strict instructions ___ to tell anyone.他们得到严格指示不要告诉任何人。

21. Can you give me ___ to the station?你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?

22. He gave the ___following example.他举了下面的例子。

23. You may have to give ___ in court.你可能需要出庭作证。

24. He gave a disturbing ___ of the murder.他对凶案发生经过的描述令人困惑。

25. She gave a little ___.她轻轻地皱了皱眉。

26. Joel gave a ___ as I walked in.我走进去的时候乔尔对我笑了笑。

27. He gave her a big ___.他给她一个大大的拥抱。

28. He gave a ___ of his hand. 他挥了挥手。

29. Don’t move until I gave the ___.我没有发信号你就别动。

30. She picked up the envelope and gave it a ___.他拿起信封晃了晃。

31. He’s giving a talk ___ early Roman pottery.他要做一个古罗马早期陶器的报告。

32. They gave one of their best performances ___ date.他们的这次演出是迄今为止最好的几场之一。

33. He gave us quite a ___.他让我们十分震惊。

34. The course has given me a lot more ___.这门课程使我增加了不少信心。

35. His job did not give him much ___ of fulfillment.他的工作没有给他多少成就感。

36. Their music has given pleasure to a lot of people ___ the years.多年来,他们的音乐给许多人带来了快乐。

37. Keep the nose ___ — you’re giving me a headache!别那么大声—我头都痛了。

38. The new software has given us ___ a few questions.这种新软件给我们带来了不少问题。

39. Don’t come too ___ — I don’t want you to give me your cold! 别离我太近—我可不想让你把感冒传给我!

40. It’s very unlikely a doctor could give ___ to a patient.医生把艾滋病病毒传染给病人的可能性极小。

41. We’re giving a small ___ for dad’s birthday next week.下个星期爸爸生日,我们要为他举行一个小小的派对。

42. How much homework ___ you given in a week?你一个星期有多少家庭作业?

43. He’s always giving us ___ to do around the house.他老是叫我们干家务。

44. The ginger gives the dish a wonderful ___ flavor.姜使这道菜带有可口的辣味。

45. His grey hair gave him an ___ of distinction.灰白的头发赋予他一种尊贵的气派。

46. Its association with the movie industry has given the place a certain ___.与电影业的联系使这个地方具有一种特殊的魅力。

47. They say they’re not willing to give any more than they’ve already ___.他们说就给原定的这些钱,不愿再多给了。

48. They gave us $700 ___ our old car.他们出了700美元买我们的旧车。

49. How ___ will you give me for these two games?你给我多少钱买这两个游戏?

50. The people were expected to give their leader ___ obedience and loyalty.人民被要求对领袖绝对的服从和忠诚。

51. If you don’t pay on time, you could be given a ___ of up to $1,000.如果你没有按时付款,可能会被处以高达1,000美元的罚金。

52. The judge gave her two years ___ prison.法官判他入狱两年。

53. I didn’t want to give him the wrong ___ about the job.我不想让他对这份工作有错误的印象。

54. The report gives us a very accurate picture of life in the ___ cities.这篇报道非常准确地为我们描绘了老城的生活现状。

55. Congress has been giving the crime ___ serious consideration.国会一直在认真考虑打击犯罪的法案。

56. I’ll give the matter some ___ and let you know my decision next week.这件事我考虑考虑,下个星期告诉你我的决定。

57. Can you give me a ___?你能帮我一下吗?

58. Shall I give you a hand ___ that bag?要我帮你拎那个包吗?

59. I’ll give you a ___ about seven, okay?我七点左右给你打电话,好吗?

60. I’m not usually much good at this sort of game, but I’ll give it a ___.我通常不大擅长这种游戏,不过我还是试试吧。

61. I’ve asked him to give me a couple ___ days to finish my essay.我要求他再给我几天时间把文章写完。

62. ___ working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.弹性工作时间可以让上班的父母有更多的时间和孩子在一起。

63. I give the project six months at the most before it all ___ apart.我估计这个项目最多不出六个月就会告吹。

64. The matter didn’t seem important, and I hardly gave it a ___ thought.这件事情好像并不重要,所以我几乎没有多想。

65. I think that both sides need to give a ___.我觉得双方都要做出点让步。

66. The referee has given a ___.裁判已经判了点球。

67. The jury will be giving its ___ within the next couple of days.陪审团将在未来几天作出裁决。

68. She only gave me a B ___ my last essay.我上一篇论文她只给了一个B。

69. The judges have given him ___ marks for this performance.这场表演评委给了他最高分。

70. New shoes often feel ___, but the leather should give a little after a few days.新鞋子往往感觉很紧,但是穿几天皮子就会松一些。

71. The branch suddenly gave ___ him.他脚下的树枝突然断裂。

72. I pushed against the door with all my ___, but it still wouldn’t give.我使出全身力气推门,但它还是一动不动。

73. Give me ___ old-fashioned rock ‘n’ roll any day!我最喜欢的就是摇滚老歌!

74. I’d give my right ___ for a figure like that.我要是能有那样的身材,叫我干什么都愿意。

75. I don’t give a ___ what you think.我才不管你怎么想呢。

76. Don’t give me ___! I know exactly where you’ve been.别跟我来这一套!我十分清楚你去哪里了!

77. I’ll give that boy ___ for when I see him!等见到那个男孩,我要好好教训他一顿!

78. I don’t worry about Emma because I know she can give as ___ as she gets.我不担心埃玛,因为我知道她会以牙还牙的。

79. You have to learn to give and ___ in any relationship.在任何人际关系中,你都得学会互谅互让。

80. It’ll be a $1,000, give ___ take $50 or so. 那将是1,000美元,出入50美元左右。

81. I was wrong to ___ him. I’ll give you that.我不该相信他,这一点我承认。

82. I was given to understand that I would be offered a ___ job.我得到的信息是,我会得到一份固定的工作。

83. There’s no point in beating about the ___, so I’ll give it to you straight.没有必要拐弯抹角,我就有话直说吧。

84. I gave most of my books ___ when I left college.我大学毕业时把大部分书都送掉了。

85. Give your old clothes away to a ___ shop.把你的旧衣服送给慈善商店吧。

86. We’re giving away a ___ diary with tomorrow’s newspaper.明天的报纸我们将附赠一本日记本。

87. We have 1,000 CDs to give away ___ readers.我们有1,000张CD要送给读者。

88. Don’t worry, I ___ give you away.别担心,我不会出卖你的。

89. Sue tried to smile, but her ___ gave her away.休想笑一笑,但是她的声音出卖了她。

90. I knew that if I moved I would give ___ away.我知道只要我动一动就会暴露。

91. The look on his face gave the ___ away.他的表情露馅了。

92. He gave away as ___ information as possible.他尽可能不透露信息。

93. I don’t want to give away exactly how the system ___.我不想说出这套系统具体的工作原理。

94. I don’t want to give the game ___.我不想言语过多而泄露了秘密。

95. We gave away two ___ in the first half.上半场我们输了两个球。

96. The Democrats are now in ___ of giving the whole election away.现在的民主党处境不利,有可能会输掉这次大选。

97. This isn’t your money and you must give ___ back.这不是你的钱,你一定要还回去。

98. Of course you can have a look at it, as ___ as you give it back.你当然可以看,但是你要还回来。

99. I’ll give ___ keys back to you tomorrow morning.我明天早上把钥匙还给你。

100. Her __-husband refused to give her back any of her old photos and letters.她前夫不肯将她以前的照片和信件还给她。

101. He ___ an expensive operation to give him back his sight.他做了一个昂贵的视力恢复手术。

102. The company finally agreed to give the women their ___ jobs back.公司终于同意让那些妇女复工。

103. This ___ will give more power back to local authorities.这项法规将把更多权力交给地方政府。

104. Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their ___.最后我作出让步,按照他们的条件接受了这份工作。

105. Bob’s wife went on ___ him so much that eventually he gave in.鲍勃的妻子对他不依不饶,他终于屈服了。

106. The government refused to give in ___ their demands.政府对他们的要求拒不妥协。

107. The rebels were eventually forced to give ___.叛军最后被迫投降。

108. We will carry on fighting ___ the end. We will never give in.我们将战斗到底,决不认输。

109. You were ___ to give this work in four days ago.你四天前就应该把作业交上来了。

110. Rose decided to give in her ___notice.罗丝决定递交辞呈。

111. All assignments must be given in to your teacher ___ Friday.星期五之前必须把所有的作业交给你们老师。

112. Don’t give in to the ___ to argue back.不要一时冲动就回嘴。

113. If you feel the ___ for a cigarette, try not to give in to it.如果你烟瘾上来,要尽量克制。

114. Retired people are often willing to give ___ their time to help with community projects.退休老人常常愿意抽出时间来给社区项目帮忙。

115. The wood gave ___ a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.这种木头燃烧时散发出甜甜的香味。

116. The metro station is near the garden gate that gives ___ the main road.地铁站就在面朝大路的花园大门附近。

117. Can you give the drinks ___, please?请你把饮料分给大家好吗?

118. Students were giving out ___ to everyone on the street.学生们正在街上向每个人分发传单。

119. Just as I approached the town, my legs finally gave ___.就在我快到镇上时,双腿终于挪不动了。

120. My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be ___ .我的钱快用光了,工作也无处可找。

121. After two hours her ___ gave out. 两小时之后,她失去了耐心。

122. A gas lamp gave out a ___ yellowish light.煤气灯发出昏黄的光。

123. It was given out that the government was to ___ into negotiation with the rebels.据宣布,政府要和叛军进行谈判。

124. I wish you lot ___ just give over.你们这些家伙消停些好吗!

125. Oh, give ___ complaining, we’re nearly there.噢,别发牢骚了,我们快到了。

126. The land ___ the village was given over to vineyards. 村子周围的土地都用来做葡萄园。

127. The whole day was given over ___ cooking and preparing for the celebrations.那一整天都在做饭菜和准备庆祝活动。

128. In his youth he had given himself over to ___.他年轻时纵情享乐。

129. The ___ of internal affairs was given over to the Chancellor.国内事务交由总理处理。

130. Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this ___.戴伦决定本赛季结束后就不再踢球。

131. She gave up her job and started ___ poetry.她辞掉工作,开始写诗。

132. I gave up going to the ___ when I moved out of London.我搬出伦敦以后就不再去看戏了。

133. Why don’t you give ___ smoking?你为什么不戒烟呢?

134. We spent half an hour ___ for the keys, but eventually gave up and went home.我们找了半个小时的钥匙,但最终还是放弃,回家去了。

135. I give ___. What’s the answer?我不想了,答案是什么?

136. You shouldn’t give up ___.你不应该这么轻易就放弃。

137. I gave up trying to ___ him to continue with his studies.我不再劝他继续学业。

138. She has ___ not given up the search.她还是没有放弃寻找。

139. The ground was too hard to dig so I gave it up as a bad ___.地太硬挖不动,于是我放弃了无谓的尝试。

140. The siege ended peacefully after the ___ gave himself up.持枪歹徒缴械投降,围捕行动和平结束。

141. In the end, his family gave him ___ to the police.最后,他的家人把他交给了警方。

142. I don’t mind giving up a couple of hours a week to ___ with correspondence.我不介意一个星期腾出几个小时来处理信件。

143. The family refused to give up ___ of their land.这家人拒绝让出任何一块土地。

144. She was ___ under tremendous pressure to give the baby up.她承受着要放弃孩子的巨大压力。

145. I would always give up my seat to an ___ person on the bus.我在公共汽车上总是会给老人让座。

146. I knew ___ down that I should give him up. 我内心很清楚,我应该发放他走。

147. The ship sank and the ___ were given up for dead.船沉了,全体船员被认为已经丧生。

148. He’d been in a ___ for six months, and the doctor had almost given up on him.他已经昏迷六个月,医生对他几乎不抱希望了。

149. At that point, I hadn’t completely given up ___ the marriage.那个时候,我还没有完全放弃这桩婚姻。

150. He gave himself up to ___.他陷入绝望之中。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 for 2 grant 3 that 4 to 5 with 6 generously 7 the 8 poured 9 permission 10 express 11 freedom 12 communicate 13 vote 14 over 15 power 16 courses 17 details 18 advice 19 giving 20 not 21 directions 22 following 23 evidence 24 account 25 frown smile 27 hug 28 wave 29 signal 30 shake 31 on 32 to 33 shock 34 confidence 35 sense 36 over 37 down 38 quite 39 close 40 HIV 41 party 42 are 43 chores 44 spicy 45 air 46 glamour 47 offered 48 for 49 much 50 absolute 51 fine 52 in 53 idea 54 inner 55 bill 56 thought 57 hand 58 with 59 call 60 go 61 more 62 Flexible 63 falls 64 second 65 little 66 penalty 67 verdict 68 for 69 top 70 tight 71 beneath 72 might 73 good 74 arm 75 damn 76 that 77 what 78 good 79 take 80 or 81 trust 82 permanent 83 bush 84 away 85 thrift 86 free 87 to 88 won’t 89 voice 90 myself 91 game 92 little 93 works 94 away 95 goals 96 danger 97 it 98 long 99 the 100 ex 101 underwent 102 old 103 legislation 104 terms 105 at 106 to 107 in 108 to 109 supposed 110 notice 111 by 112 temptation 113urge 114 of 115 off 116 onto 117 out 118 leaflets 119 out 120 found 121 patience 122 pale 123 enter 124 would 125 over 126 surrounding 127 to 128 pleasure 129 running 130 season 131 writing 132 theatre 133 up 134 looking 135 up 136easily 137 persuade 138 still 139 job 140 gunman 141 up 142 deal 143 any 144 put 145 elderly 146 deep 147 crew 148 coma 149 on 150 despair





