
25 June 2022



例如if you can run a mile a minute, you can run very fast.我们用"a mile a minute"做事很快的人。


...she talked a mile a minute,讲得快。

...His brain seems to work a mile a minute.(a very quick problem-solver.)问题解决得快。

现在,我们谈一场比赛时,我们用千米和英里。然而,当我们用"go the extra mile,"时只用到mile.如果你参加一个10米长的比赛,而你跑了11米,你比别人和所需的跑得远。

所以,当我们we go the extra mile时,表示我们超额完成任务。我们这样做能证明我们工作努力或专注于某件事。如很多朋友建议将二手书仅捐给文学组织,而

But Tory went the extra mile给书捐给社区需要的家庭。

1英里等于1.6公里,它远得你不能看见,闻到和注意到,那么,它至少应该是。所以如果我们说"I could see that from a mile away,"就表明某事非常引入注目。

如I can spot a liar from a mile away.表明我很善于甑别假话。

如果香味很浓,你也可以说you smell it from a mile away.

...If I am a million miles away, I seem very far away from the those around me.意为陷入沉思,似乎与周围人格格不入。

也可以用于比较,如:her goals for her future and her parent's goals for her future were a million miles apart. The two goals had nothing in common.

最后的表达是描述某人自私和贪婪。他们想要的很多。"gave her an inch, she took a mile."(更准确的意思请看原文,谢谢关注!)

In the United States, many people use the English system for measuring. While some people use the metric system, our idioms and expressions often stick with measurement words from the English system.

Today, we talk about expressions using the word mile. And we have miles and miles of them! That means we have a lot.

For example, if you can run a mile a minute, you can run very fast. So, we can use the expression "a mile a minute" to describe people who do things very quickly.

For example, Sarah was very excited about her trip! When she told us about it, she talked a mile a minute. We could barely follow what she was saying!

Here is another example. Sam is a very quick problem-solver. His brain seems to work a mile a minute.

Now, when we talk about running a race, we use both kilometers and miles. However, when we use the expression "go the extra mile," we only use mile. If you run a race that is 10 miles long and you run 11 miles, you have run farther than others and farther than needed.

So, when we go the extra mile, we do more than is asked of us. We do this to prove we are hardworking or dedicated to something. For example, many friends were only supposed to collect used books for a literary organization. But Tory went the extra mile; she delivered the books to needy families in the community.

A mile is equal to 1.6 kilometers. That is far enough away that you cannot see, smell, or notice something. Well, at least it should be. So, if we say, "I could see that from a mile away," it means something is very noticeable.

For example, I can spot a liar from a mile away. That means I am very good at detecting people who do not tell the truth. Even if they are a mile from me, I can tell.

If a scent is very strong, you could say you smell it from a mile away. I don't know what cologne that man was wearing, but I could smell it a mile away.

To be a million miles away is even farther. We often use that expression to mean lost in thought. If I am a million miles away, I seem very far away from the those around me.

We can also use it to compare things. For example, her goals for her future and her parent's goals for her future were a million miles apart. The two goals had nothing in common.

Our last expression describes people who are selfish and greedy. They always want more. If you give some people a little of something, they will often take a lot. I knew a woman who was like that. Every time I "gave her an inch, she took a mile." She always wanted more from the people around her.





