(青少年短裤15-18岁男)(青少年短袖男 学生)

(青少年短裤15-18岁男)(青少年短袖男 学生)


(青少年短裤15-18岁男)(青少年短袖男 学生)


School bans boys from wearing shorts, telling them to wear skirts instead

It is understood to be part of a gender-neutral uniform policy at Chiltern Edge School

A secondary school in Oxfordshire has reportedly banned boys from wearing shorts in the hot summer months - but said they are free to wear skirts instead if they wish.

Chiltern Edge School in Sonning Common recently introduced a new, stricter uniform policy that states pupils can only wear trousers or skirts. So when one parent asked if their son could wear tailored shorts for summer, they were told no.

The school explained that shorts were not allowed – but as they had a gender-neutral policy, boys could opt to wear skirts.

Father Alastair Vince-Porteous told the Daily Mail: “I was told shorts are not part of the uniform. It’s a shame we can’t be more grown up about it, we aren’t asking for ra-ra skirts or skinny jeans, just grey tailored shorts for two months a year, it’s not a big deal.”

(青少年短裤15-18岁男)(青少年短袖男 学生)

Some other parents also criticised the new uniform, which also introduced blazers[1], as they did not feel the clothing was appropriate for warmer months.

[1]blazer: A blazer is a kind of light jacket for men or women that is also often worn by members of a particular group. (一般男女或某特别群体成员穿的) 轻便短上衣

With temperatures set to reach 26C this week, parentswere keen [2] for their kids to feel comfortable in the heat.

[2]keen: wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much 热衷的,渴望的,热切的

keen to do sth

He told me that he was keen to help.


keen on doing sth

I wasn’t keen on going there on my own.


keen for sth to happen

The government is keen for peace talks to start again.


keen that

The chairman is keen that the company should expand its product range.


The stricter clothing policy was one of the changes brought in since the school was placed in special measures, after receiving an ‘inadequate’ rating by Oftsed inspectors in spring last year.

But the school appears to be making progress and the latest Ofsted monitoring inspection from November 2017, said: “Pupils value their new uniform, and they are smart and polite and most conduct themselves[3] well.”

[3]conduct yourself:to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people judge you by the way you behave 表现,为人

The players conducted themselves impeccably, both on and off the field.


Headteacher Moira Green, who also introduced longer teaching hours since taking on the role, was credited with helping to turn the school around.

The school did not respond to The Independent's request for comment, but Ms Green told the Daily Mail: "In September 2017, with the support of parents, Chiltern Edge made the decision to move to a more formal uniform. This has been a success.”

The school - which was previously threatened with closure[4] but has since been saved - will be turned into an academy and become part of the Maiden Erlegh Trust in August.

[4]closure: when a factory, school, hospital etc has to close permanently〔工厂、学校、医院等的〕关闭,倒闭,歇业

Several military bases are threatened with closure.


factory/hospital/school etc closure

the problem of school closures


Ms Green added: "Maiden Erlegh Trust, in preparation for September 2018, wholeheartedly support Chiltern Edge's adoption of a more formal uniform."

来源:The Independent







本文标题:(青少年短裤15-18岁男)(青少年短袖男 学生)



