

1、 room place space

room 作为“房间”(可数名词);作为“空间” (不可数名词)


place 意为“地点;地方”是可数名词

space 作为“太空,空地,空间”(不可数名词);


This room looks very beautiful . 这个房间看起来很漂亮

Could you make room for me ? 你能为我腾出点空间吗?

Hainan is a very comfortable place . 海南是个 非常舒适的地方

I will live in a space station . 我将住在太空站

There is very little space here .这儿的空间很小。

2. news information message

news “新闻,消息”(不可数名词)a piece of news 一条消息

information “信息”指正式一点的 信息(不可数名词)

message “口信,消息”指日常生活的一般消息,口信。(可数名词)

take a message 捎口信 leave a message for sb 给某人留口信

No news is good news 没有消息就是好消息。

I want to get much information about this town .


I can take a message for you .我可以给你捎个口信。

I got fifty messages from my boyfriend .


3. spend cost take pay

spend(金钱/时间) spent 主语是人

人+ spend (金钱、时间) on sth / (in ) doing sth

某人花费(时间/金钱) 在某物(某事)上 /做某事

cost (金钱) cost 主语是物

sth. cost sb. 金钱 某物花费某人多少钱

take (时间)took 主语是It

It takes sb 时间 to do sth . 做某事花费某人多少时间

pay (金钱)支付 paid

sb. pay 金钱 for sth 某人为某物支付多少金钱

He spent 30 minutes (in) writing the letter.他用了30分钟写那封信。

The book cost me 30 yuan . 这本书花了我 30 元

It took me three hours to finish my work.完成工作用了我3个小时。

I paid five yuan for the book.这本书花了我五元钱。

4. arrive in /at get to reach

arrive in + 大地点(国家、城市等)

arrive at + 小地点 (学校、车站等)

get to +地点 reach +地点

如果后接的地点是副词 home / there /here 则省略介词

I will arrive in/get to/reach Shanghai tomorrow .


I arrived at/got to/ reached the train station at six yesterday .


She arrives /gets/reaches home at seven every day .


5. be famous for be famous as be famous to

be famous for 以…而闻名,for 后接出名的原因

be famous as 作为…而出名,as 后接职业或身份

be famous to 为…所熟知, to后接人

这里的famous 都可以换成 known/ well-known

Hangzhou is famous for silk . 杭州以丝绸而闻名

She is famous as a singer . 她作为一名歌手而出名

Mickey Mouse is famous to children around the world .


6. lonely alone

lonely adj. 孤独的、寂寞的,强调心理感受,作定语或表语

alone adj. 独自一人(的)、单独的,只能作表语,强调数量单一

adv. 独自地

I don’t want to go shopping alone . 我不想独自去购物。

Some old people keep pets because they feel lonely .


She doesn’t feel scared when she is alone.


I was once a lonely girl . 我曾经是一个孤独的女孩

He lives alone, but he never feels lonely .


7. too much too many much too

too much 太多 + 不可数名词,动后

too many 太多+可数名词复数

much too 太 + adj./adv.

I have too much work to do . 我有太多的工作要做。

There are too many people in the park. 公园有太多的人

The bag is much too heavy . 这个包太重了。

You don’t eat too much for dinner . 你晚餐不能吃太多。

My grandpa got up much too early this morning .


8. put on wear dress be in

put on 穿上;戴上,后接衣鞋帽等,表动作(未穿上),反义词 take off 脱下

wear 穿着;戴着,后接衣鞋帽等,表状态(已穿)

dress 给…穿衣,后接人,作为名词:连衣裙 。 get dressed 穿好衣服

dress sb/oneself. 给某人/自己穿衣服, get/be dressed in 穿着…衣服

dress up 打扮 dress up as … 装扮成…

( be ) in 穿着 后接颜色或衣服 ,表状态。构成短语只能作表语或定语

It’s cold outside ,put on your coat please .


She wears a white T-shirt today .


Mike likes wearing sunglasses. 迈克喜欢戴墨镜。

My mother is dressing my little brother .


Lucy dresses herself every day .

Lucy 每天自己穿衣服。

Tom dressed his little brother up as a ghost 。


The girl in red is my sister. 穿着红色衣服的女孩是我妹妹。

She is in a blue dress today = She wears a blue dress today .


9. bring take carry get

bring 带来 (←由远到近)

take 带去(→由近到远)随身携带 take with

carry 搬动(↑无方向)

get 去取 (去→取好←回来,双方向,相当于fetch) get得到

You’d better bring your homework to Mr Li tomorrow .


It’s going to rain , take the umbrella with you please .


The bag is too heavy to carry it . 那个包太重了以至于我搬不动。

I’m hungry .Please get some food . 我很饿,请去取一些食物吧!

10. borrow lend keep

borrow 借进 短暂性动词

borrow sth. from sb. swh/ borrow sb.’s sth.

lend 借出 短暂性动词 lend sth. to sb. /lend sb. sth.

keep借/保存(多久) 延续性动词, 与 for +一段时间或how long 连用

May I borrow your computer ? 我能借你的电脑吗?

They borrowed some books from the library.


Could you lend me your bike ? 你能把你的自行车借给我吗?

Sorry , I lent it to Mike just now .


How long can I keep this book ? 这本书我可以借多久?

You can keep it for two weeks . 你可以借两周。






