
高考英语关于go 的词组总结

1. go about (doing) sth. 忙于做某事,开始/着手做某事(tackle)

go about 四处走动,旅行;(消息等)流传;(疾病等)流行…

e.g. I must go about my business.

e.g. The tourists went about London freely.

e.g. The rumour is going about that Mary and John are getting married.

2. go after sb. 跟在某人身后,追赶某人;追求某人

go after sth. 谋求某事

e.g. We’re both going after the same job.

3. go against sb./sth. 对某人不利;反对某人或某事;与…相背

e.g. His thinking goes against all logic.

4. go ahead 走在前面;发生,进行;开始干

e.g. The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.

e.g. The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans.

(go ahead with sth. 开始干某事,实施)

5. go along 沿着;进展;继续

go along with sb./sth. 和某人观点一致;赞同某事

e.g. I don’t go along with her on this matter.

6. go around/round 转圈;够分给每个人;习惯于; (消息)传开

go around/round to … 访问,参观

e.g. There’s a rumour going around/about that… (有消息说…;谣传…)

7. go away 离开,走开;外出;消失

e.g. I’m going away on business.

e.g. The smell hasn’t gone away.

8. go back 相识; 返回,回到; 回忆起; 追溯到

go back on sth. 违约,食言

go back to (doing) sth. 重新开始干某事,重操旧业

e.g. Dave and I go back twenty years.

e.g. Let me just go back to the point I was making.

e.g. He never goes back on his word.

e.g. She decided to go back to teaching.

9. go beyond 超过,超出

e.g. That’s going beyond a joke.

10. go by 流逝,逝去

go by sth. 遵循,以某事判断

e.g. Things will get better as time goes by.

e.g. If past experience is anything to go by, they will be late.


We can’t 【 】 looks only.

This year’s sales figures 【 】 all our expectations.

His family 【 】 the 16th. century.

11. go down 倒下;下降,下跌; 下沉; (食物、饮料)被吞下或喝下

go down (in…) 被记在…上,载入…

go down (with sb.) 被(某人)接受

e.g. A glass of wine would go down very nicely.

e.g. He will go down in history as a great statesman.

e.g. The suggestion didn’t go down very well with her boss.

12. go for sb./sth. 适用于…; 被…所吸引,喜欢

go for sth. 努力争取某事

13. go in for 参加(考试、竞赛等);对…有兴趣

14. go into sth. (交通工具)猛烈撞上某物;加入某组织,从事某职业;详细调查,研究

go into (doing) sth. (时间、精力等)投入某事

e.g. go into the Army/the Church

e.g. The car went into a tree.

e.g. We need to go into the question of costs.

e.g. More government money needs to go into the project.

15. go off 离开(去做某事);开火,爆炸;发出响声;(灯)熄灭,(电)中断,停止运行;变质,变坏;(质量)下降;(以某种方式)发生,进行;不再喜欢

e.g. I’ve gone off bear.

e.g. The meeting went off well.

e.g. The heating goes off at night.


Three ships 【 】 in the storm.

I’d like to 【 】a more advanced examination if I can.

The police are 【 】 the murder case.

16. go on 上场,出场;开始运行;发生;继续(go on with sth.)

go on to do sth. (完成某件事情后)接着做另一件事

go on to sth. 接着开始另一个项目

go on doing sth. 不停做某事

e.g. What’s going on?

e.g. Suddenly all the lights went on.

e.g. Let’s go on to the next item on the agenda.

17. go out 外出;播出;(新闻或消息)发布,公布;


go out of … (品质或情感)在…中不复存在

e.g. All the fight seemed to go out of him.

18. go over sth. 仔细检查,反复研究; 复习;穿过,越过,走过去

e.g. He went over and shook hands with his guests.

19. go through 仔细检查,研究;经历,遭受;(法律等正式)通过

e.g. The deal did not go through.

e.g. I always start the day by going through my email.

20. go up 上升;被建造;被烧毁;(欢呼声等)响起


She 【 】 her lines before the first night of the play.

The new law has 【 】 .

The country has 【 】too many wars.

New houses are 【 】 all over the countryside.

You can’t 【 】working all night without a rest.

The fire has 【 】 .

After explaining the operation theory, he show us how to do it.






