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Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road

Lesson 1 单词、短语、句型

1.a trip to… …之行 go on a trip to… 去…旅行 = go on trips to …

2.---Guess what? 猜怎么着? ---What? 什么?

3.learn about… 学习… learn to do 学习做….

4.---May I…? “我可以…吗?

”---Yes, you may./Sure./Of course.

No, you can’t. /Sorry./ No, you mustn’t.

5.lead---led---led lead to… (道路) 通向; 导致

lead sb to… 把…领到、带到… lead---leader 领导者 带领者

6.note 便笺 笔记 leave sb a note 给某人留个便条 take notes 做笔记

7.a chance to do… a chance of doing… chance: 可数名词

8.send---sent---sent send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 寄、送给某人某物

9.news (u)n 新闻 消息 How exciting the news! a piece of news 一则新闻

10.be made of… 由… 制成 (能看出原材料)

be made from…由… 制成 (看不出原材料)

Paper is made ____ wood(木头)? Books are made ___ paper.

Lesson 2 单词、短语、句型

1.plan for the trip 旅行计划 plan to do 计划做…


be excited about sth 对某事感到激动 be excited to do sth 对做某事感到兴奋

3.How far is it from A to B?从A 到B 有多远?

How far is B from A? B 离A多远?

4.special 特殊的 特别的 欣赏: Is there anything special in today’s newspaper?


1) enough +名词 enough money enough time

2) 形容词/副词+enough +(to do sth) big enough to buy

6.arrive in +国家、地区、城市

arrive at + 小地点 get to +地点名词 reach +地点名词

arrive/get+ here/there/home

7.leave-left-left 离开 leave for… 前往…

leave sth. +地点 把某物落在某地

Lesson 3 单词、短语、句型

1.a visit to…参观…

2.Welcome to+地点 欢迎某人到… here/there/home前不加to

3.hit-hit-hit 击 击中

hit the ancient drum 击打古代的鼓 hit sb on the head/ hit sb in the face

4.ring-rang-rung 敲钟 打电话 响

ring the ancient bell 敲古代的种 ring sb up 给某人打电话 ring back 回电话

5. enjoy the special dishes 享受西安的特色小吃

enjoy oneself= have a good time/have fun enjoy doing sth 喜欢做…

6. dish-dishes(复) 盘, 碟, 菜肴, 一道菜 wash the dishes 清洗餐具 cold dishes 凉菜

7. tour guide 导游

8. No photos! 禁止拍照!

Lesson 4 单词、短语、句型

1.group 群 组 团体 强调整体时, 为单数; 强调成员时, 视为复数。

in groups 以组…

2.go for a walk = go for walks 散步

3.go down = go along… 沿着…

4.turn right/ left at… 在…左转/右转

5.lead sb to… 把某人领/带到…


7.cross与across 横跨 横穿 cross (动词)= 动词+ across (介词)

We are crossing the road = We are walking across the road.

8.take a picture (of sb) = take a photo (of sb)

9.What does it mean in English? =what’s the meaning of…?

Lesson 5 单词、短语、句型

1.another 与 the other的区别

2.take a tour around… 周游…, 围着…观光

3.amazing/ amazed 令人惊奇的

4.be famous as… 作为…而著名 be famous for… 因…而著名

5.believe sb/sth 相信… believe in sb/sth 信任…

6.the same… as… 和… 一样 be different from … 与… 不同

7.safe(adj) 安全的 safely(adv) 安全地 safety(n) 安全

8.fall-fell-fallen 落下 跌倒 fall off… 从… 跌落

9.All right =OK

Lesson 6 单词、短语、句型

  1. clothing/clothes/cloth 的区别
  2. clothing 服装(总称) clothes 衣服 衣物 (复数) cloth (u)布 布料

2.a few/ few/ a little/little 的区别

3.hold-held-held 举行 拿着

4.the Olympics = the Olympic Games (复数人称)

5.hundred/thousand前有具体数字时不加-s 表示不确切数字时, 用hundreds/thousands of…

6.else与other 其它的 不定代词/疑问词 + else other + 名词(复)

7.be over 结束

8.someday = some day 将来有一天one day 将来/过去有一天

9. keep diaries 记日记

10. play an instrument 演奏乐器


本文标题:(home前为什么不加to)(walks home为什么不加to)



