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The East and West towers of Quanzhou were built in Southern Song Dynasty.On the towers,there is a statue of the Monkey King Hallpmann who is more than older than the Monkey King Sunwukong of <Journey to the West > written by Wuchengen in Ming Dynasty.So Japanese Miyoko Nakano said Quanzhou must be the hometown of Sun wukong.


Hallpmann,the son of the god in charge of th wind,born with divine power,leaping thousands of miles from mountain to sea.He had extraordinary ability,which was kind-hearted,passionate and rightious.Aprince Luomo was victimized and expelled out of his country.The princess was taken away by the devil Luobo.The monking king witnessed his misfortune and stood up,and exerted his magic power,which help the prince defeated the devil Luobo and retook the princess and the throne.


So the Monkey king Hallpmann was respectable and became the god of the Induism.

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The Monkey King wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

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1.Sun wukong was satisfied with the magic stick from the Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean.The Jade Emperor received one complaining about Sun's behavior.The Emperor asked the God of the North Star to be his envoy and bring Sun to the Heavenly Palace.

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2.When Sun heard of this,he was glad to come to South Gate with the God of the North Star.He didn't enter into South Gate until the God of the North Star arrived.

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3.Jade Emperor asked where a minor position could be found.Star King of Wuqu said,”there is one at the Imperial Stable looking after the Heavenly steeds.”later Sun was offered the position of the Imperial Stabler.

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4.At one time,Sun had a drink with his colleagues.He didn't know his position so low that it didn't even appear in the register of officials until he asked his colleagues.He was furious and charged out of the Heavenly gate.

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5.Soonly,with one somersault he rerurned to his Water Screen Cave."How dare they put me to work as a horse servant?"

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6.Many monkeys were glad of his arrival.Two one-horned ghost King added him an imperial robe and adviced him to be the title of Heavenly Grand Fairy.

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7.He liked that title.”good!good!”.He immediately ordered them to make that title and the banners fluttered all over his Kingdom.

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8.In the next day,they reported to the Jade Emperor that Sun had left his job.He assigned the famous father and son heroes named the Tower King and Vedic Prince to lead an army to capture Sun. One of the Heavenly centurions said to the Tower King “let me go and capture him.”What an ignorant monkey!We would leave your allies alive if you come back.”

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9.Sun angried.I would go along you if the Jade Emperor give me the title in the Heavenly Palace”.While hearing of this,the God hit him with a big ax.

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10.Unexpectedly,the God returned to barracks because of Sun's strongness after fighting for twice.Vedic Prince then volunteered to fight Sun.

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11.While he saw the banner,Vedic Prince said “What do you dare name after the title of Heavenly Grand fairy?take my sword!”He used his supernatural trick to turn himself into a monster with three heads and six arms,wielding different weapons to attack Sun.

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12.Sun saw this,and also turned himself into a three-headed and six-armed monster,to fight for more than thirty returns.He pulled one of his hairs,turned it into a three-headed and six-armed monster,while he himself sneaked behind Vedic Prince and hit him on his head with the magic stick.The Prince also rereated in pain.

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13.The Tower King returned to the Heavenly Palace because Sun was strong.The God of North Star adviced”why not give him the title?”the Jade Emperor agreed.

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14.The God of North Star arrived in Sun's cave with the order.They went back to the Heavenly Palace.The Emperor told Sun,i will confer you the title of Heavenly Grand fairy,with a nice mansion in the palace complex.Be at peace.”Sun said,”all right!”

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15.The Jade Emperor built a place near the peach garden.He worried about Sun's idleness.He said to Sun,”I have decided to give you an assignment,you should in charge of the Heavenly peach orchard.”Sun happily accepted the job.

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16.Sun was curious about the garden.He summoned the God in charge of the orchard and knew that people would live as long as the universe if ones ate it.

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17.One day he sent his gardeners away and climbed up the trees,picked some of the peaches and ate them,turning himself into a two-decimeter man,sleeping under the branch.

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18.There came the occasion of the Heavenly empresss annual Peach Party.The Emperor sent a team of fairies to fench the peaches.When they arrived the garden,they found a few peaches were young peaches.They were ready to fench a red and white peach.

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19.The peach was turned by Sun.Sun was told of their intension.Sun asked if he was invited on the annual Peach Party.They said they weren't aware of it.Sun decided to find out,so he cast a spell to freeze them,leaving them standing stiff like logs.

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20.On the way to the Jasper lake,Sun met some fairies and said “the Jade Emperor dispatch me to invide you go to Tongming palace before the party.”

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21.Sun arrived Jasper lake.He smell the wine and was immediately intoxicated by the aroma.He then took a few of his hairs and blew them towards the workers.This allowed Sun to get to the wines,which he stated to drink.

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22.After eating and drinking,Sun suddenly realized that he was in trouble.”i must go back before the guests come in.”later he lost his way and ended up at the temple of Lord lao zi.

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23.Sun found the star was teaching lessones to his students.He wandered into the oven room,and found five jars of pills.He ate them.He was astonished when he was awakened from his sleep.Then,he stole two jars of wine and returned to the Water Screen Cave.

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24.At the moment of the Peach Party,the Jade Emperor dispatched the Tower King and Vedic Prince to pin the Water Screen Cave to bring Sun to justice.Sun was so strong that the fairies were difficult to subdue him.

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25.The Tower turned to the Jade Emperor.Kuanyin suggested that the famous hero,the Second Prince come to and deal with Sun.He proceeded to the cave with his eagles and dogs.

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26.It turned out to be a tie through they fought more than three hundred rounds.Sun was going into the cave with other monkeys after the Heavenly army was capturing the monkeys.

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27.At that time,the Second Prince blocked him while Sun was entering the cave.Sun was forced to turn himself into a small sparrow on the tree.The Prince then turned himself into a falcon,and charged towards Sun.

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28.Sun quickly jumped into the water,and turned himself into a fish.The Prince then turned himself into an eagle diving into the water.Sun jumped out of the water and turned himself into a snake.The Prince turned himself into a crane,peaking at Sun.

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29.Sun rolt down the cliff and turned into a earth temple.There was no place to hide the tail.Then the tail turned into a banner.The Prince was strange of it,”strange!”he want to destory the temple.

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30. Sun said,”Hate!it you pound my eyes and hit my teeth,what should i do!”he flied over the Prince own home temple,turned himself into the Prince.

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31.The Prince came back and fought against Sun on the way to the Water Scene Cave.It was difficult to capture Sun although the Heavenly army surrendered the cave very tightly.

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32.The Jade Emperor was getting impatient over Sun's capture while he was looking the fight.Lord lao zi threw down the bracelet at Sun,hitting him and knocked him out.The Heavenly army swarmed over him and captured him with the rope.

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33.Sun was taken to the Heavenly Palace,where the Jade Emperor decided to excute him.It was unexpected that swords couldn't harm his body as well as fire and thunder.

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34.There were at their wits end.Then Laotse suggested,“Sun has become a body of steel,the pill-making oven could destory Sun,which would probably burn Sun into ashes.So Sun was taken to the oven.Laotse let workers burn it day and night.

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35.After 49 days and nights,laotse opened the oven.Sun leapt out of the oven as he opened the door unharmed,having a pair of fire eyes with a gloden pupils.

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36.Sun took out his magic stick and started attacKing Gods in the Heavenly Palace.He turned himself into three-headed and six armed,with three magic sticks,to fight with others Gods.

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37.The Emperor had to request the assistance of the holy sage Buddha.The Buddha came to the Emperor in an instant,said to Sun,”do not fight,speak to me.”

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38.The Buddha said,”you the Heavenly Palace aiming at dreaming of taking over from the Jade Emperor.Today,if you can fly out of my palm,i will ask the Emperor to let you have a turn with the throne.If not,you need to practice for many years under the heaven.”

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39.Sun laughted,and said,”I can fly one hundred and eight kilometers with one somersault.Why i can't jump out of your palm?””I will go away!”he was disappeared in an instant.

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40.On the way,he saw five pillars ahead of him.He thought this must be the end of the universe.So he wrote “Sun wukong is here” on one pillar.He relieved himelf at the foot of on pillar,then flew back to the Buddha.

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41.Sun said,”i am coming back,you let the throne of the Emperor to me!”The Buddha said,”you monkey!you ever leave my palm.Sun looked down and saw the words he wrote and smelled of Sun's urine.

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42.Sun was astonished of it,said”i don't believe it.Try it again!”The Buddha put him down on earth,turning his hands into a five-element mountain weighing down on Sun.

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43.The Buddha also put the six words including “An,Ma,Ni,Ba,Mi,Mo”on the mountain,which could let the mountain root and joint,order the Gods such as the God in charge of local land to supervise him.He will be able to leave this mounain till the time when his master comes to get him.


本文标题:(flied与flew的区别)(flew flied 有区别吗)



