
(二) Everything goes!










(1)The sofa can be laid against the wall

(2)I cant put all my clothes into that suitcase

(3)How to sing that song?

(4)I don 't know what I spent all my money on!

(5)Does red wine match chicken? Or Can we eat chicken with wine?



(1) The sofa can go against the wall.

(2) My clothes won't all go in that suitcase.

(3)How does that song go?

(4)I don' t know where all my money goes!

(5)Does red wine go with chicken?


不仅仅是例子中的事物,几乎所有事物都可以用go这个词来描述,因为go在英语中所代表的意象是“事物的存在、发展或运行”,任何事物都是存在并变化着的,所以任何事物都可以用g来描述,就如标题所描述的, Everything goes!


(1) When does the train go?火车什么时候开?(火车goes)

(2) I want this memo to go to all managers.我想要所有的经理都看到这份通知。(通知goes)

(3)I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground.我想从最高的窗户上拉根蝇子到地面。(绳子goes)

(4) Where do you want the piano to go?你想把钢琴放在哪里?(钢琴goes)

(5)7 won't go into 15.


(6) How did your interview go?你的面试怎么样?(面试goes)

(7) The gun went 'bang’.枪响了,“呼”的一声。(枪goes)

(8) We won' t let the house go for less than $200,00.这房子低于20万不卖。(房子goes)

(9) This all goes to prove my theory.所有这些都证明了我的理论是正确的。(证据goes)




(1) The milk had gone sour..牛奶酸了。

(2) She went white with fright.她吓得脸都白了。

(3) The game was going great until Jerry twisted his knee.在Jery扭了膝盖之前,比赛一直进行得很顺利。

(4) As always, everything went wrong at the last minute.像以前一样,所有的事情在最后一刻功亏一篑

(5) Her hair is going grey.她的头发变白了。


(1) You'll never get mom to go along with your idea.妈妈绝不会赞成你的想法。( go along代替agree)

(2) You can' t go around calling people liars..你不能老是说别人撒谎。( go around代替keep)

(3)There's a rumor going around that Randy's having an affair.传言说Rand有外遇。(go around代替 spread)

(4)The two dogs went at each other as soon as I opened the gate.我刚一开门,两只狗就撕咬在一起。(go at代替 attack)

(5)Once you've made the decision, I'm afraid there's no going back,你一旦做了决定恐怕就不能反悔了。( go back代替 regret)

(6) You can' t always go by appearances.你不能老是以貌取人。(go back代替 judge)

(7)Don' t go by that old map--it's out of date.别再用那幅旧地图了,都过时了。(go代替use)

(8)Put some ice on your knee to make the swelling go down. 在膝盖上敷些冰消肿。(go down代替 subside)

(9) Clare wouldn' t go into details about her divorce. Clare不想详谈离婚的事情。( go into代替 elaborate)

(10) He went into a long speech about European politics.关于欧洲政局他发表了长篇大论。( go into代替 deliver)

(11)During this course, we'll go into the main courses of the French Revolution.这节课我们要分析一下法国大革命的成因。(go into 代替analyze)

(12) Our campfire went out while we were sleeping.我们睡觉的时候篝火熄灭了。(go out代替 expire)

(13) The tide's going out.退潮了。(go out代替review)

(14) Jake went over his notes again before the test.考试前Jke复习了一下他的笔记。( go over代替 review)

(15) We went over the speech word by word.我们逐字逐句地校对了演讲稿。(go over代替 check)

(16)I went through all our closets and I still can't find my tennis racket.我找遍了所有的橱柜,还是找不到我的网球拍。( go through代替 search)



(1) Come a little closer.,靠近一点。(朝向说话者移动)

(2) The phone bill came at a bad time.话费单来的不是时候。(出现)

(3) Her mother came home from vacation a day early.她的妈妈提前一天结束休假回家。(家在说话者所在地)

(4) Have you come to a decision?你决定了吗?(实现某件事)

(5) The vote came after three hours of heated debate.经过三小的激烈争论,终于开始投票了。(出现)

(6) Houses like that don't come cheap.像那样的房子不会便宜。(出现)

(7) Who comes third in the batting order?谁第三个击球?(出现)

(8)Alma' s family will always come first with her.Alma总是把她的家庭放在第一位。(出现)

(9)Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s. 从


(10) The berlin Wall came down in1989. 1989年柏林墙被推倒了。(预期中的变化)(11)We're determined to take every opportunity that comes our way.(出现)

(12) How come?为什么?(出现)


(1) At work, things keep coming at you all the time.上班的时候,事情总是一件接一件。

(2) He never thought anything would come between us.他万万没想到我们之间会出现什么问题。

(3)I thought the movie was okay, but the critics came down hard on it.我觉得这部电影还好,但它却招来很大的非议。

(4) A button came off my coat yesterday.昨天我的衣服上掉了颗扣子。

(5)When I try to explain, it comes out all wrong, and she gets mad.我试图解释,说出来的话却全错了,她非常生气。

(6)I don't usually swear-I don 't know what came over me. 我通常不骂人的,我也不知道自己是怎么了。

(7) The solution came to him late one night in a dream.晚上睡觉的时候他在梦中找到了解决办法。

(8)I've forgotten her name, but maybe it'll come to me later. *i忘了她的名字,或许晚点能想起来。

(9) A lot of questions came up at the meeting. 会上提出了很多问题

(10)Something' s come up, so I won't be able to go with you on Thursday.出了点情况,所以周四不能和你一起去了。


(1) What time does Kelli's plane come in?Kelli的班机何时到达?(代替 arrive)

(2) The grass came to my knees.草长得到我膝盖。(代替reach)

(3)I came across a picture of you when I was going through my stuff. 翻看我东西的时候,我发现了一张你的照片。(代替find)

(4) Jobs like this don' t come along very often.像这样的好工作并不常有。(代替appear)

(5)Aaron has really come along-his reading is at third grade level now.Aaron确实有进步,他现在的阅读能力相当于三年级水平。(代替 improve)

(6) The book just came apart in my hands.这本书就这么在我手上裂开了。(代替 break)

(7) The man came at me with a hammer..那个人手上拿着锤子向我扑过来。(代替 attack)

(8)We need to come at the problem from a different angle. 我们需要从另一个角度来考虑这个问题。(代替 consider)

(9)Everything Williams had said suddenly came back to me. 我一下子想起 williams 所说的那些话了。(代替 retum)

(10)Wait until interest rates come down before you buy lower price.(代替 decline)

(11) The first time the boss came down on Pete, he quit.老板第一次冲他发火,他就辞职了。(代替criticize)

(12) Last year they came into a large sum of money when their Uncle Harry died.去年Harry叔叔去世以后,他们继承了一大笔遗产。(代替 inherit)

(13) Their house came through the storm without much damag他们的房子安然度过风暴,没造成很大损坏。(代替 experence)







