


  1. The company you work for is well known for its job security. 你就职的公司因工作稳定性而出名。
  2. You are suddenly made redundant. 你突然就下岗了。
  3. You receive a promotion. 你获得了一次升迁。
  4. You are given an increment. 你获得了加薪。
  5. You work unsociable hours. 你得加班。
  6. You have a steady job. 你有一份稳定的工作。
  7. You had adverse working conditions. 你的工作环境比较糟糕。
  8. You suddenly find yourself unemployed. 你突然发现自己失业了。
  9. You need time off work because of repetitive strain injury. 你因为重复性劳损而必须休假。
  10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome. 你所工作的办公室有病态建筑综合征(即办公大楼中因新鲜空气缺乏等原因而引起的疲倦、头疼、眼睛疼痛、呼吸困难等症状);
  11. You receive regular perks as part of your job. 你会定期获得额外的补贴。
  12. Somebody calls you a workaholic. 有人叫你工作狂。
  13. Your company gives you plenty of incentives. 公司给了你足够多的激励措施。
  14. Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce.老板宣布公司即将裁员
  15. You have a lot of job satisfaction. 你对工作很满意。
  16. Your company has a generous incentive scheme. 你们公司有非常慷慨的激励机制。
  17. You receive a commission for the work you have done. 你会获得一笔提成。
  18. You receive support from a union. 你获得工会的支持。
  19. You are under stress. 你会面临很大的压力。
  20. You are forced to resign. 你被迫辞职。
  21. You receive a cut in your salary. 你会降薪。
  22. Your company gives you sickness benefit. 公司会提供疾病津贴。
  23. You find your job very demanding. 你发现工作要求非常耗时费力。
  24. Your boss tells you that you have potential. 老板告诉你很有潜力。
  25. Your boss tells you that you lack initiative and motivation. 老板告诉你缺乏工作主动性和动力。
  26. Everyone at work ignores you.工作中大家都忽略你。




The same can be said of a job in which you are put under a lot of 1....................... and worry, a job which is so 2....................... that it takes over your life, a job where you work 3....................... and so never get to see your family or friends, or a physical job in which you do the same thing every day and end up with the industrial disease that is always in the papers nowadays - 4.......................





