
用英语学英语口语:For here or to go是“在这吃还是带走”?


1) 如果你仅仅是为了用中文学到For here or to go?这样的“英语口语”,然后反复用中文“告诉”自己:“在这吃还是带走”就是英文For here or to go,或者用中文告诉自己:For here or to go就是“在这吃还是带走”并用中文记住它,你是可以用中文学并用中文记住:英语里有个表达“For here or to go?”就是中文“是在这吃,还是打包走?”,快餐店里的人结账时常问的一句话。

2) 我们还是“用英语学英语”,“用英语talk英语”,又在“用”和Talk之时用英语“涨知识”并用英语记住这些“知识”吧!


3) URead 体验英语:

1. If you’ve ever eaten in a fast food restaurant, for example McDonald’s, you’ve heard this expression:

English: (US) for here or to go?, (UK) eat in or take away?

2. Is that for here or to go?

This is a question that fast food restaurant employees ask the customers when they order. The employee wants to know whether you're eating in the restaurant ("here") or taking it somewhere else ("to go") so that he or she can give you a tray or put your food in a bag.

3. What's Up With Coffee Shops Asking "For Here or to Go"?

When you're stopping in to your neighborhood coffee shop for a little snack food, the cashier might ask whether you'll be enjoying your coffee "for here or to go."

But she's not asking out of curiosity, and she's not just trying to find out if your coffee should be presented in a paper or a cup — she's asking to find out whether or not your purchase should be taxed.

This policy here in California is that we are taxed when the answer is "for here." To have a non-taxing experience, tell the cashier you want your goodies to go.


4) UTalk

体验完上面的英语(初学者虽然感觉有点吃力,太长),你会用英语talk英语,直接用英语Talk下面的“For here or to go”英语吗?

1. Well, I know, we usually hear For here or to go in a fast food restaurant, like McDonald’s, or Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Starbucks when we eat there.For American English,they will say: For here or to go? For British English they will say:Eat in or take away?


2. Well, when an employee asks the customers “For here”, he wants to know whether you're eating in the restaurant ,that's For here. When he asks “To go”, he wants to know if you're taking it somewhere else, at home or in your office, so that he or she can give you a tray or put your food in a bag.

能这么慢慢锻炼自己说口语,你才真正做到用英语理解了For here or to go,同时又“把学过的英语用起来”,训练了自己的英语口语。






