(goto与gofor的用法)(go for和goon的区别)



1.Do you walk or ride a bike to school?你步行还是骑自行车上学?(1)ride a bike to...=go to...by bike骑自行车去......(2)这是一个选择疑问句,提出两个或多个事物让对方选择,供选择的部分之间用or连接。回答时不能用yes或no回答。or意思是“或者”。Is your brother a teacher or a doctor? He is a doctor.

2.Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?你离开房间的时候关灯吗?turn off the lights 关灯

3.Do you take your own bag when shopping and not ask for a plastic bag? 购物时你带着自己的袋子而不要塑料袋吗?(1)own 自己的,形容词,常放在形容词性物主代词和名词之间。These are their own books.(2)when shopping=when you are shopping(3)ask for sth. 要......

4.Do you buy drinks in bottles?你买瓶装饮料吗?drinks in bottles瓶装饮料

5.And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty? 瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们?do with 处理,常与what 连用,侧重于对某事物的处理。What do you do with these books?

6.Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away? 你将废物分成可回收利用的和要丢弃的吗?(1)divide...into...把......分成......(2)throw away扔掉,丢弃,代词要放中间。如:Don't throw it away!(3)things to recycle/throw away回收再利用/扔掉的东西

7.We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is harmful to our environment.我们都需要一个健康的环境,但我们每天制造废物,这对我们的环境是有害的。(1)produce waste 生产垃圾(2)every day每天(3)be harmful to=do harm to 对......有害

8.Use things for as long as possible.尽可能长时间地使用东西。as...as possible尽可能......Please run as fast as possible.

9.Although it takes energy to change things into something else, it is better than throwing things away or burning them.尽管把一种东西变成另一种东西需要消耗能源,但也比把它们扔掉或烧掉好。(1)although=though,尽管/虽然......,引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用,可以与yet连用。Although she is ill,(yet)she still goes to work.(2)take energy to do sth.消耗能源做某事(3)change...into ...把......变成......(4)something else一些别的东西,else要放在特殊疑问词/不定代词/不定副词后面

10.We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change.每年我们都扔掉大量的垃圾,现在必须做出改变了。(1)tons of+可数/不可数名词,许多......;很多......(2)each year 每年(3)make a change改变

11.Develop a recycling policy for the whole community.为整个社区制定一个回收再利用方案。(1)develop a recycling policy制定一个回收再利用方案(2)the whole community整个社区

12.Buy products such as recycled paper to help save trees.购买像再生纸这样的产品,以便节省木材。(1)such as 例如;比如(2)recycled paper再生纸

13.We can't hope for rapid change, but let's take these simple steps today...我们不能期待立竿见影的变化,但是让我们从今天开始采取这些简单的措施吧......(1)hope for...希望/期盼......(2)take steps 采取措施


本文标题:(goto与gofor的用法)(go for和goon的区别)



