(go后面多久可以加to)(go 后面可以用to 加动词么)

go a long way towards doing sth 对某事发挥巨大作用,很有帮助

Those suggestions go a long way toward improving children's academic performance. 这些建议帮了孩子提高成绩的大忙了。

go a long way == go far 有远大的前程

We all think that he will go a long way. 我们都认为他会有大好的前途。

go under (公司) 倒闭; (项目) 中止

His business went under last month. 上个月,他的生意倒闭了。

go together 伴随发生

Greed and corruption usually go together. 贪婪和腐败通常总是相伴而生。

go toward(s) (doing) sth 被用以支付做某事的部分款项

1 million dollars will go toward building dams. 一百万美元将用于支付修建水坝的部分费用。

go to sb 被授予某人

This year, the prize for best actress goes to Xiaoxiao. 今年的最佳女演员奖被授予晓晓。

go to war 发动战争;开战 === go to waste 被浪费;白白浪费

  1. People try their best to stop the country from going to war. 民众竭尽全力阻止国家发动战争。
  2. All those food went to waste. 所有这些食物就白白浪费了。

go through with sth 将某事进行到底

We determined to go through with strikes. 我们决心将罢工进行到底。

go out for sth 参加...的选拔

Will you go out for the football team? 你会参加足球队的选拔吗?

(quality) go out of sb 不再为某人所有

Happiness has gone out of him since he got divorced. 离婚以后,快乐就不再属于他了。

go out of sb's way to do sth 非常努力地做某事

Children always go out of their way to try to please their parents. 孩子总是非常努力地取悦他们的父母。

go on at sb about doing sth == be on at sb to do sth 再三催促某人做某事

My parents go on at me about getting married. 父母再三催促我结婚。


本文标题:(go后面多久可以加to)(go 后面可以用to 加动词么)



